Troubleshooting: How to Fix Netgear Router Keeps Dropping Internet Connection

If you are a Netgear router user, you might have experienced Netgear router keeps dropping internet connectivity; it is similar to a headache and inconvenient, mainly if you rely on a stable internet connection for work or entertainment. Fortunately, there are numerous causes Netgear router dropping wifi problem might be happening, and there are steps you can take to fix Netgear router dropping internet connection.

Netgear router keeps dropping internet

One common reason for Netgear router dropping wifi error is outdated firmware. Firmware is the software that runs on your router and controls its functions. Netgear regularly releases firmware updates to address bugs and security vulnerabilities and improve performance. If your firmware is outdated, it may cause your Netgear nighthawk router keeps dropping internet unexpectedly.

Another possible reason Netgear router keeps dropping internet errors

is signal interference from other WiFi networks or electronic devices. If you live in a densely populated area or an apartment complex, many WiFi networks around you could be causing interference. In this case, changing the WiFi channel on your Netgear router might help.

Configuration issues can also cause Netgear router dropping the internet. If your router is not configured correctly, it may not be able to establish a stable connection with your modem. Additionally, if your network settings are incorrect, your router may be unable to communicate with your ISP’s servers.

If you’re experiencing a “Netgear router keeps dropping connection” on your Netgear router, don’t panic. By following some simple troubleshooting steps, you can get your internet connection up and running again quickly. This article will provide a helpful guide to some common troubleshooting steps to address and fix Netgear router dropping internet connection. These steps include restarting your router, checking your firmware version, checking your network connection, changing your Wi-Fi channel, and resetting your router to factory default settings, if all else fails.

Guided Troubleshooting Steps To Eliminate Netgear Router Keeps Dropping Internet ErrorNetgear router dropping wifi

We have summarized the step to step guide for fixing the Netgear router dropping wifi error. Please read and implement all the solutions at your convenience

Step 1: Restart Your Netgear Router

The initial course of action you must perform while facing a Netgear router keeps dropping wifi problems is to restart your Netgear router. Sometimes, a simple reboot can fix the issue by clearing any temporary glitches or memory leaks. To restart your router, follow these steps:

  • Please turn off your router by unplugging it from the power source.
  • Wait for at least 30 seconds before plugging it back in.
  • Please turn on your router and wait for it to boot up completely before testing your internet connection.

Step 2: Check the Firmware Version

Another common cause of Netgear router dropping wifi errors is outdated firmware. Firmware is the software that runs on your router and controls its functions. Over time, Netgear releases new firmware updates to address bugs and security vulnerabilities and improve performance.

To check your Netgear router’s firmware version, implement these things:-

  • Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
  • Enter the router’s IP address in the address bar. The default IP address for most Netgear routers is or
  • Enter your router’s login credentials. The default username is usually “admin,” and the default password is “password.”
  • Once you’re logged in, look for the firmware update section in the router’s settings.
  • If a new firmware version is available, download and install it.

Step 3: Check Your Network Connection

If restarting your router and updating the firmware doesn’t fix the Netgear drops connection issue, the next step is to check your network connection. Ensure your modem is connected to your router correctly and the Ethernet cables are not damaged or loose. Additionally, ensure that your ISP is not experiencing any outages in your area.

Step 4: Change the Wi-Fi ChannelNetgear router keeps dropping wifi

If you live in an apartment complex or densely populated area, many Wi-Fi networks around you could be causing interference.

To fix this issue, try changing the Wi-Fi channel on your Netgear router. You can access your router’s settings and select a different medium. Choose a track that’s least congested and has the least interference.

Step 5: Reset Your Netgear Router

If none of the above steps work, you can try resetting your Netgear router to its factory default settings. This will erase all your custom settings and configurations, including passwords and network names. Eventually, it will help in fixing the Netgear router dropping internet error.

  • You can reset your Netgear router by adhering to below mentioned tricks
  • Locate the reset button on your router. It’s usually a tiny hole on the back or bottom of the router.
  • Press and hold the reset button for at least 10 seconds using a paperclip or a small pin.
  • Release the reset button and wait for your router to reboot.


It’s important to remember that experiencing Netgear router keeps dropping wifi is common. Various factors can cause this problem, and pinpointing the specific cause can sometimes be challenging. However, with the right approach and a bit of patience, you can quickly diagnose the issue and take appropriate steps to fix Netgear drops connection errors.

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